
National Handwriting Day


23rd January, National Handwriting Day. Did you ever think why have an exclusive Handwriting Day?

Although this day was invented in 1977, I feel it is more so important in today"s scenario, when we are so addicted to the use of the key boards for all types of written communication.

As per the historical evidences, Handwriting was incepted in 3400 BC in Mesopotamia, with the spread of Handwriting through the years, good Handwriting became a symbol of status.

You can still make your handwriting a status symbol by enhancing your writing style and skills. Always remember you are able to read because some time in the past you could write legibly with your pen.

It is prudent to give Handwriting more importance in these days of automated communication. After all feelings are always better reflected when you pen down a few words personally for someone very close to your heart.

Continue to celebrate this day, the 23rd of January as the "National Handwriting Day".

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