Speed Writing

Writing with speed and legibility enables students to compose with correct spellings and quality content to express their knowledge. It has been proved that writing with speed adds to one's ability to think, a better understanding of language and its vocabulary. It also adds to the quality of verbal communication.

Exclusive Features of Program:

Program Duration is of only 15 days

The class duration is of only 1 hour

No homework

Exclusive Course Material

Good Handwriting with Speed and legibility

100% Result

Yes, the legibility and speed can go hand in hand. The concept of our speed handwriting program is to ensure good quality handwriting along with speed. Our techniques are scientifically proven to deliver 100% results.
On average the speed can be leveraged by 50%. The speed varies from person to person. Every individual can achieve a different level of increase in the writing speed.
Yes, this is also a guaranteed program like all our other programs. As on date, more than 200,000 students have benefited through the Speed Writing program of Write Right.
The results are permanent as we teach the students based on scientifically proven techniques. The retention depends upon the capability of the students and their conscious efforts in implementing the advice into their writing.
The technology used for increasing speed is based on 3 M’s: M= Myth, M= Motivation, M= Music. We break the myth that writing in speed distorts handwriting. Our trainers are experts in motivating the students through various techniques to write fast. During the speed writing course, specially created music is played that helps to enhance the writing speed.
Although there is no fixed standard, 25-30 words per minute are considered to be good writing speed. A writing speed that enables a student to meet the deadlines in his/her examination, without distorting the legibility, is good.